PAT 221
These pieces were written
for my second Computer Music Composition course. These works were created using Digital Performer, M-Powered
Pro Tools, Peak, Sound Hack, a Triton synth, and Kontakt. Most focus around the style of
"Concret." This means
they are composed of (a few) short audio samples that are filtered and
processed to create a musical structure.
We also use a fair amount of MIDI.
Project 1: Free for all project
(MIDI) (DP & Triton)
Project 2: Create a whole piece
with one short melody from project one (MIDI) (DP & Triton)
Project 3: Accomplish a
"process"; I roused mine, made it trip, and dance (MIDI) (DP &
Project 4: 10 second audio sample,
can only use filtering, reverse, time scale, and pitch shift; I dropped a book,
"ripped" a page from it, crumpled it, and threw it in the garbage (DP
& Peak)
Project 5: Three 10 second long
samples, all processing and filtering fair game; sawing, dog barking, concrete
drill (DP, Peak, & Sound Hack)
Project 6: Three 10 second long
samples, all processing and filtering fair game; Teddy Ruxpin page change,
blowing over jar, chewing (M-Powered Pro Tools, Peak, & Sound Hack)
Project 7: Use Kontakt and DP to
create "patches" [groups of sounds mapped to a MIDI keyboard];
blowing over glass jar, hitting the glass jar, drumstick on door, metal futon
& windowsill (MIDI) (DP, Triton, & Kontakt)
Project 8: Final project free for
all; conquered the Triton's disgusting default patch, noisy stabber; first half
serious, second half silly Jingle Bells; re-used metal futon Kontakt patch
(MIDI) (DP, Triton, & Kontakt)
**All material on this web site
is not to be copied and sold. All material was created at the University
of Michigan School of Music **